We are the only pet directory that accepts only listings from companies that have a website and are domiciled in the United Kingdom only. Why is that so important? We want the visitor to our site to find what they are looking for quickly. We don't believe in long lists of phone numbers or for your details to be mixed up with foreign listings. You've paid for your site and we firmly believe you should have the edge over those who don't have one. Regional Listing/Categories. We have found through our research that it can take time on other sites to find what you want. Speed is of the essence at 4LeggedFriends; the average time spent on a visit to a web site is just 15 seconds. People don't want to wade through lists. We have devised a simple system of 22 Categories and 50 Regions to enable users to find your site in seconds. If, however, you want to be seen by the Nation, we can accommodate that as well, by placing you on the National Providers List for your chosen category. Once signed with us, we will ask you to submit a couple of paragraphs about your site. This is important, because it creates yet another way in which your site can be found on the 4LeggedFriends directory. Our new Word Search facility is designed to select not only 'Key Words' from your description but also examines your web site's title and category. We shall be monitoring the most popular words used in searches and can make suggestions to help you optimise your submission to increase your sites visibility. Search Engines. 4LeggedFriends have a policy that allocates considerable budget amounts towards gaining high rankings on all major search engines. Which means sign up with us and you can have more chance of being viewed than ever before
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